Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I've been thinking lately that maybe there will be a day in the next 6 months when I'll be able to sit back and take stock of all the ways my life has changed in the last year. Every once in a while when I try to think about it, it feels like I'm looking out the window of a fast-moving car at things that are too close to me-- it makes me feel a little motion sick. Maybe I should just keep my eyes on the road ahead for a little longer.

I don't know if this is related or not, but on our honeymoon, Jon and I were driving in Yukon Territory. We'd driven up and up in the thickest fog/cloud I've ever been in.
When we finally could see anything, the terrain was so bizarre. The plain of volcanic rock used to the damp cover we'd driven through was covered in small, crystal clear ponds and the spongey growth of small shrubs and fungi. We could not get over how foreign it looked, no matter that we'd just crossed into another country, it felt like we'd stumbled onto another planet. Had we entered some sort of sci-fi reality TV show?
We gawked with child-like wonder, and then pulled the car over to explore and touch and play and climb. It was early in the morning and we'd only traveled a few miles, but we were already giddy with what God had given us this day. And then the sun began to show.
"JON! There are mountains! HUGE ones! Do you SEE this?"

We were speechless. We were humbled. This was God's glory revealed. This was the Lord of creation giving us more than we could have imagined possible. The sheer joy of it. I think this is the first time in my life I really knew what it meant to revere the Lord. And as I thought about that moment later on the drive I felt Him saying to me, to us,

"Be patient when you cannot see where you are headed, for I know the road I am leading you on. Find joy in the foothills and plains. Be filled with wonder at the new experiences of your young life. Enjoy and explore the foreignness of this new union in marriage. But just you wait. You will be humbled and overcome with gladness by the way my glory will be revealed in your life. I will be revered above all. These mountains took ages to be carved out, and only moments for me to bring into light. I am doing a great work in you. I am sculpting something behind a veil which I will not reveal yet. You are a great work for the glory of the Lord, and greater things than you could ask for or imagine are waiting for you, they are near at hand and hidden. Sense that there is more waiting for you, even while your joy spills over in these places."

I wrote in my vows, "I will walk with you in bold faith that we are on a great adventure with a good and faithful God." I am getting a glimpse of just how great the adventure and how good and faithful our God.

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